On these events and opportunities pages we hope to keep you informed of events to hear the research of other members, visiting speakers, and opportunities to present your own research locally, nationally, and internationally. Specific upcoming events are listed below. More information about other general events and opportunities are listed in the other pages listed.

Call for Papers: Advance HE STEM Conference 2020 (Manchester)

Macdonald Manchester Hotel & Spa London Road, Piccadilly, Manchester, United Kingdom

From the Advance HE website: Date: 29-30 January 2020 Venue: thestudio, Manchester Who: All higher education professionals Call for papers due 28th October, 2019. This year’s Advance HE STEM conference looks at how we prepare our students in a constantly changing world, with a focus on how we ensure our graduates learn the appropriate skills…

Advance HE STEM Conference 2020 (Manchester)

From the Advance HE website: Date: 29-30 January 2020 Venue: thestudio, Manchester Who: All higher education professionals This year’s Advance HE STEM conference looks at how we prepare our students in a constantly changing world, with a focus on how we ensure our graduates learn the appropriate skills and attributes necessary for the global workplace.…