On these events and opportunities pages we hope to keep you informed of events to hear the research of other members, visiting speakers, and opportunities to present your own research locally, nationally, and internationally. Specific upcoming events are listed below. More information about other general events and opportunities are listed in the other pages listed.

Journal Club: Gender and cultural bias in student evaluations: Why representation matters

The journal club will be reading and discussing the following paper: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0209749 Abstract Gendered and racial inequalities persist in even the most progressive of workplaces. There is increasing evidence to suggest that all aspects of employment, from hiring to performance evaluation to promotion, are affected by gender and cultural background. In higher education, bias in…

Call for Posters: Innovative Assessment in Higher Education (St Andrews)

This call for posters relates to the conference (23rd October, 2019) on Innovative Assessment in Higher Education, which is a joint event organised by the International Education Institute (IEI) St Andrews and the St Andrews Learning and Teaching Initiative (SALTi). IEI  & SALTi are also looking for poster presentations on learning and teaching practice in Higher Education (in…

Vertically Integrated Projects Academic Forum

Register for this event on PDMS. A presentation and discussion with Professor Ed Coyle, originator and pioneer of Vertically Integrated Projects (VIPs) at the Georgia Institute of Technology. He will introduce these credit-bearing undergraduate modules which are designed to support student research teams drawn from across diverse disciplines (multidisciplinary) and different years of study (vertical/multigenerational)…

Innovative Assessment in Higher Education (St Andrews)

This conference on Innovative Assessment in Higher Education is a joint event organised by the International Education Institute (IEI) St Andrews and the St Andrews Learning and Teaching Initiative (SALTi). Plenary speakers are Professor Carol Evans, University of Birmingham, and Dr Mark Carver, University of St Andrews. The event will be open to academics, teachers and postgraduate students. This will…

Scottish Higher Education Developers event (St Andrews)

CAPOD is hosting the annual Scottish Higher Education Developer’s (SHED) Group two-day residential event, and we would like to open the talks and workshops to interested St Andrews staff. We want colleagues to be able to pop in for just the sessions that are relevant to them, rather than committing to an entire day (or…

Introduction to design thinking and implications for curriculum design

Abstract: Curriculum innovation often poses a number of challenges. Often, the changes applied give participating faculty a sense of déjà vu or of re-inventing the wheel. Additionally, the evaluation of the efficacy of the initiatives is often difficult to confirm in the short- or long-term. Design thinking is a systematic method to creatively solve complex problems…

Getting to grips with the intangibles of Higher Education

Much of what we measure in education as KPIs is extremely useful in steering strategy around recruitment or employability as well as measuring success in education, however it is well recognised that KPIs do not measure all the qualities we use to make such measurements. These intangibles have been the subject of a current QAA…