On these events and opportunities pages we hope to keep you informed of events to hear the research of other members, visiting speakers, and opportunities to present your own research locally, nationally, and internationally. Specific upcoming events are listed below. More information about other general events and opportunities are listed in the other pages listed.
- This event has passed.
Call for Submissions: Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Conference (Newport, Wales)
June 21, 2019
The deadline for submission of all proposals to the SRHE International Research Conference is Friday 21 June 2019, 12 midnight GMT.
Conference theme: Creativity, Criticality and Conformity in Higher Education
11-13 December 2019
Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales, United Kingdom
The definition of creativity is the use of imagination or original ideas to create something; the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, and interpretations.
Universities should surely be creative places. The economic, political and social climate that universities work in across the world present challenges to this. In many cultures there is an emphasis on measurable, economic outcomes. Does this have to result in policy that emphasises only some parts of the work that universities do, obscuring important activities that often develop and thrive at the margins, or in the spaces between traditional functions?
It could be argued that higher education researchers too draw on an increasingly limited range of methodologies, approaches and ideas that are often not persuasive to policy makers. Have we, in search of measurability and academic respectability, retreated to a dull conformity where anything different is just too risky?
Should we instead challenge ourselves to transcend traditional rules, build an innovative culture and practice of research and problem solving, in order to throw light onto the shadows rather than ignore them? What is it we need to know more about in universities in relation to their role in the world, their place for social good and the building of global diverse societies? How can higher education researchers be creative in their approaches to illuminate these areas, and to make a positive difference in the world?
The SRHE Annual International Research Conference attracts wide participation from researchers globally. It provides a stimulating international forum for papers of an empirical or scholarly nature relating to research into higher education, in the broadest sense, and from a breadth of different disciplinary perspectives. The conference is highly participative, promoting the dissemination and exchange of ideas in a variety of formats, across a range of research domains.
Submissions are invited on any research topic concerned with higher education.
No preference or weighting is given in the peer review process in relation to topic. Each year the SRHE Research Conference addresses an overarching theme, chosen for its topicality and relevance, which it aims to critique through keynote contributions and associated discussions. The selection of papers for presentation is based solely on quality.
SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – Call for papers
2. Submission guidance
Please note these guidelines are applicable to the SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education only. Submission guidance relating to the SRHE Newer and Early Career Researchers Conference can be found athttps://www.srhe.ac.uk/conference2019/newer-researchers-conference.asp
All submissions are subject to rigorous peer review and the selection of papers for presentation is based solely on quality. There is no requirement for submissions to directly address the conference theme.
2.1 Assessment Criteria
All submissions will be judged by the following criteria:
Originality of questions addressed |
Effective use and clear explanation of research methodology |
Clarity of the research aims and objectives and outcomes |
The extent to which the work is rooted in the relevant literature |
Significance of the research and the contribution added to what is known about the area researched |
The quality of the data (where applicable) and the reliability and significance of the conclusions |
The quality of evidence presented, whether derived from empirical work or scholarly analysis |
Empirical and scholarly research from a wide range of perspectives is welcome.
2.2 Research domains
Papers are invited for presentation under one of ten broad research domains. This aids the organisation of a thematically streamed programme. Although many papers have the potential to fall under a number of domains we ask that authors indicate their first preference. The final decision on the domain to which a paper is assigned will be made by the lead assessors as part of the peer review process.
Research Domains
Academic practice, work, careers and cultures (AP)
Access and widening participation (AWP)
The Digital University and new learning technologies (DU)
Employability, enterprise and graduate careers (EE)
Higher education policy (HEP)
International contexts and perspectives (ICP)
Learning, teaching and assessment (LTA)
Management, leadership, governance and quality (MLGQ)
Postgraduate scholarship and practice (PGSP)
Student experience (SE)
SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – Call for papers
3. Presentation formats
You are invited to contribute to the conference in a variety of forms:
- Research paper
- Panel discussion
- Symposium
- Poster
We encourage presenters to share their work in creative ways and welcome different styles and formats to encourage and stimulate discussion and engagement with session participants.3.1 Research papersResearch papers can may be:
- Papers which are advanced, or complete and where findings/analysis can be fullyreported.
- Work in progress empirical/data-based studies. The work can be newly underway andpresenters may not be in a position to report on final findings and analysis.
- Scholarly papers which are discussion pieces or work at the cutting edge of debate onpolicy and practice featuring novel arguments and exploring difficult questions.
Authors are required to submit:
Part 1 Summary: a 150 word summary of the paper which will be printed in the conference programme and online via the conference website.
Part 2 Paper: a maximum 1,000 word paper (excluding references), which will be available to download via the conference website.The SRHE Research Conference receives a large volume of high quality submissions, especially for the presentation of individual papers. In order to provide for the inclusion of a wide range of research and scholarly work, papers accepted after peer review
will be allocated for presentation and discussion in one of three different formats:Individual paper presentation (30 minutes)*
Individual paper presentation (15 minutes)*
Round table presentation (30 minutes) *** Individual presentation sessions will have an allocated Chair to manage the session.
** Round table presentation sessions will be given in parallel during a cross-domain slot. This more informal presentation format will create networking and collaborative opportunities and is designed to connect diverse perspectives.
Each paper accepted for the Roundtable session will be assigned a table and Table Host who will act as Chair and facilitate collaborative dialogue.Due to the nature of this session presenters will not use audio visual aids, but can use print handouts as an alternative.
SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – Call for papers
3.2 Panel discussion
You may submit a proposal for a Panel Discussion. A panel discussion will begin with brief presentations from panellists about a common topic followed by ample time for discussion and activities among the panellists and between the panellists and attendees.
A Panel Discussion should facilitate interaction and discussion between audience and presenters to advance knowledge of a particular research problem, theoretical content or research strategy. Rather than present results panel discussions draw from research and/or experience to foster dialogue and interaction
Propose a Panel Discussion
To submit a Panel Discussion proposal, the Panel Lead is required to:
- 150 word summary of the proposal which will be printed in the conferenceprogramme and online via the conference website.
- Submit a maximum 1000 word paper outlining the nature of the discussion. Thispaper should include 2-3 prepared questions to be directed at attendees during the
- Invite at least 3 panellists to contribute to the discussion. Each panellist’s contributionshould be outlined in the aforementioned 1000 word paper.
- Plan for at least 30 minutes discussion within a 75 minute time slot3.3 Symposium
Symposia provide the opportunity to present 3 to 4 related research papers on a single theme during a 75 minute time slot. An individual proposing a Symposium (Symposium Convenor) will be responsible for the title for the session, for inviting colleagues to contribute their papers and is expected to approve the papers from their invited authors before they are submitted.
If accepted it will be for the Convenor to decide how much presentation time will be given per paper and must allow enough time for audience engagement.
A Symposium proposal submission must include:
- A 400 word rationale for the Symposium,
- the names of the Convenor and/or the Chair of the Symposium,
- name of a discussant if appropriate
- the names and details of all participating presenters plus the title of eachpresentation planned. Provisional titles are acceptable.
Once the Symposium proposal has been submitted, then invited contributions can then be submitted via the conference system.
Contribute a Paper to a Symposium
Only those invited by a Symposium Convenor can submit a contribution to a symposium. Your paper will be individually reviewed for its own contribution and how it relates to the symposium rationale. A symposium will not be accepted unless all papers are rated as good or excellent.
SRHE International Conference on Research into Higher Education – Call for papers
Contributing authors are required to submit:
Part 1 Summary: a 150 word summary of the proposal which will be printed in the conference programme and online via the conference website.
Part 2 Paper: a maximum 1000 word paper (excluding references), which will be available to download via the conference website.
For technical guidance on contributing a paper to a symposium please see Appendix A – How to use our submission system
3.4 Poster
Papers are invited for submission for presentation as a Poster. There will be a designated Poster Session during which time all accepted posters will be exhibited.
In addition, accepted Posters may be recommended for presentation during a breakout or roundtable session (see roundtable session). Authors will be informed in advance when and in which type of sessions they are invited to present their poster.
Authors are required to submit:
Part 1 Summary: a 150 word summary of the proposal which will be printed in the conference programme and online via the conference website.
Part 2 Paper: a maximum 1000 word paper (excluding references), which will be available to download via the conference website.
Posters should be A1 in size (Portrait or landscape). For presenters travelling from abroad, we offer the facility to have your posters printed here for you. The cost of a colour A1 poster will be £25.00. Poster boards will be provided.