Connected Curriculum

Kenneth Mavor
Thursday 11 October 2018

Prof. Dilly Fung gave a fascinating talk on her work on the Connected Curriculum as part of the launch of the new St Andrews Teaching and Learning Initiative (SALTI) on the 11th October, 2018.

Prof. Fung is currently the Pro-Director for Education at LSE, but did much of her work on the Connected Curriculum at UCL. Her model describes a number of ways that students can be assisted to make connections to researchers, across subjects, with workplaces, with each other and with past students. At the core of the model it is an enquiry-based approach.

The talk provided a great opportunity for discussion, and a terrific topic with which to launch the new SALTI initiative. Copies of the talks given on the day are available through the SALTI resources page.

Prof. Fung’s work on the connected curriculum in the form of two books, can be purchased in hard-copy form or downloaded for free as a PDF.

A Connected Curriculum for Higher Education, 2017

Developing the Higher Education Curriculum, 2017

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